Recently Daft Punk broke Spotify streaming records in both the UK and the USA, with their newest song Get Lucky becoming the most streamed song in 24 hours. Spotify have also broken
other records this week; broken up the records which I cherish by fucking annoying
adverts telling me to buy demeaningly over-priced car insurance.
Their promotional campaign for their new album,
to be released this year, has been extremely successful so far with the Punks
dropping random hints on what their new album will be about in small segments,
and the hype is becoming huge. Their new tune Get Lucky has been number one in 8 countries and in the top 10 a
further 9. How do you like them bananas planet earth.
But why is everyone so excited? Why does everyone love these
robot weirdo’s so much? Well I’ll tell you why. I'll tell you why in the, believe me, not worn
out format of a top 10 list.
1) The songs One More
Time, Aerodynamic, Digital Love, Harder Better faster Stronger.
The first four songs of their brilliant second album
Discovery will literally get even the ultra buzz-killington up and dancing, or
at least jumping about in a drunken stupor. If your head doesn’t move at least
once after listening to any of these for tracks, you are a stone cold rock my
friend. And not this type of rock-

2) They've always insisted on artistic control over their music
When record labels came a knocking on their door pre-debut album Homework, the duo turned down several offers, because they would rather have control over their music and have less money, than have more money and less control over their music. Good. We like that. This is possibly one of the reasons why the boys have never done a Kings of Leon, and traded their authentic cutting edge music for lame corporate-event music.
3) They wrote the soundtrack to Tron: Legacy
Like the Tron films? No? Then I don’t like you. Daft Punk did the soundtrack for the second film, and it was clearly one of the best things about the film. Apart from that Tron car.
4) Their popularity opened the door to other great French
electronic music
Daft Punk’s popularity outside of France helped open the French Electro door to the world. Out of the door has come Air, Justice, Yelle, Breakbot and several more. And they’re all great. Listen to them.
5) Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem
Has anyone actually seen this?!? Its the Anime film (no not Hentai you perrrv) which featured in Daft Punk’s videos for all their singles from Discovery, in one long film. Each track from Discovery has its own short story, albeit with virtually no dialogue, explaining the story of the abduction and rescue of an alien pop band. Its proper mind blowing classic 70’s Anime running along their amazing music, it’s visually immense, a Yellow Submarine of the Space Dance Pop of Daft Punk.
6) Their live shows
When you see Daft Punk live its like being transformed to another planet. Its an incredible experience, where two robots taking you on a translucent lazer light journey to the future. And for once its not because you've taken too much 2CB. So, so, soooo much better than watching 4 hipster twats playing lifeless Indie rock.
7) For Around The World

Whats not to like about their first single from their debut album Homework?! Its so simplistic but that's its genius. Its bass-line is incredibly catchy, and hooks you in from the start, taking you on a journey of French House music. They showed their ability of creating fantastic electronic music, by using so few musical patterns throughout, yet keeping you captivated for 7 minutes.
8) They play absolutely everything
What do you play? The guitar? Drums? Bit of both? What do these French lads play? Well to date on their albums like the bad asses they are they've recorded themselves playing the guitar, bass, keyboard, synths, piano, drum machine, vocals, and used music sequencers and vocoders. Oh and they produced all their albums too. More talent than Ashlee Simpson? You decide.
9) They’ve always been Robots
Life styles of the rich and the famous. Good Charlotte sang about these attention seekers. Yet they only did the song to become rich and famous. So not only were they uncouthly shit, they were also hypocrites. But DP shunned all of that stuff, and never let anyone know anything about them or their personal lives, or even what they really look like, and in the promotion for Daft Punk's Electroma they were even interviewed with their backs turned. And good on them. The mystique brings back a glistening of 1970’s glam, when pop stars used to be these spacemen from Uranus.
10) They didn’t win a Brit Award whenever they were
Have you seen who won Brit Awards this year? Its an embarrassment to win one of these things, because it shows you are part of the modern sludge of crap of which modern British music has become. The only reputable band who won this year, the Black Keys, obviously didn’t even show up. And so the fact The Punks have never won a Brit Award just confirms their status as legendary electronic music pioneers.
It is nice to see and read top 10 lists. COOL!